Webinar on Proposed Career Pathways for all involved in Spill Response, Thursday 3rd November, 1500 hrs.

Webinar on proposed career pathways for all involved in spill response to include a new training plan and independent certification with the Institution of Environmental Science

Like many other industries post-Brexit, there is a problem with maintaining manning levels. This is partly due to many Europeans choosing not to work in the UK and therefore a shortage of trained, skilled, and versatile staff. Our industry is suffering with the retention of skilled staff who leave to seek new opportunities with whoever pays the most. However, many in the spill industry feel that we undersell ourselves. To look at these issues the Association formed the Employment Opportunities Working Group (EOWG) with the following objective:Through collaborative working to generate and evolve career pathways for the industry. To promote them to those within our industry and to those who seek to join it from other industries. The goal is that all in the industry have a clear career pathway and can develop their potential within it. Secondly to devise a communication strategy so that a career in our industry is attractive and recognised as worthwhile and rewarding. The Group have met monthly since then. At the Spring Conference we presented our initial thoughts for feedback which were: Independent certification was important.Training needed more structure and guidance as too much was in-house and not accredited.Training needs to be more specific to the risk and future risks. The conference supported this and the EOWG set to work on a Consultation Document for distribution to members that was released in September. It can be viewed here This webinar is to explain in detail the prosed career pathways and the training plan to support them. The independent certification from the Institution of Environmental Science will lead to the award of: Registered Environmental TechnicianRegistered Environmental PractitionerChartered ScientistChartered EnvironmentalistThis is the opportunity for you to learn more about the proposals and to ask questions related to them. The webinar will involve a presentation to be followed by questions and should take no more than 45 minutes. It will be on Thursday at 1500hrs, 3 November
Please register here.
Mark J OrrExecutive DirectorUK and Ireland Spill AssociationMob: 07864 707408Tel: 0333 444 1890[email protected]

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