Oil Spill Response Limited
Website address: https://www.oilspillresponse.com
Email Address: [email protected]
Contact name: Emma Smillie
Phone Number: +44 (0)23 8033 1551
Emergency Phone Number: +442380331551, +65 6266 1566, +1 954 983 9880
Country Location: United Kingdom
Geographical Area Covered: Global except US waters
Oil Spill Response Limited (OSRL) is the largest international industry-funded cooperative which exists to respond to oil spills wherever in the world they may occur, by providing preparedness, response and intervention services. We are wholly owned by most of the environmentally responsible oil and gas companies, and our membership represents the majority of global oil production. We currently employ 275 people across 12 locations around the world. Our shareholders comprise of the most environmentally responsible oil and gas companies
Contingency planning
Response management
Capability Reviews and Exercises
Oil Spill Modelling
Crisis Management
Long and short oil spill specialists secondments
Hire availability
Spill containment / diversion booms (offshore)
Spill containment booms (inland)
Shoreline protection barriers
Oil spill dispersant
Oil spill dispersant spraying equipment
Portable recovered oil containment tanks
Floating oil tanks/dracone barges
Capability rating – Tier 1 spill response
Capability rating – Tier 2 spill response
Capability rating – Tier 3 spill response
Qualifications of response personnel – IMO Level 1
Qualifications of response personnel – IMO Level 2
Qualifications of response personnel – IMO Level 3
Offshore oil spill response
Onshore oil spill response
Pipeline spill response
Air / satellite / drone observation
Oil spill dispersant application – from vessels
Oil spill dispersant application – aerial
Oil spill dispersant application – subsea
In-situ burning
Shoreline clean-up assessment technique
Oiled wildlife rescue
Response management support
Supervision of volunteers
Bespoke courses at client’s premises
Oiled wildlife response training
Aerial observation training
In-situ burning training
Shoreline clean-up training
Application of net environmental benefit analysis