Suppliers and Services Directory

Company / Organisation Name: Fast Engineering Ltd.

Contact Name: Seamus Connolly


Contact Email Address: [email protected]

Contact Phone Number: +44 (0)28 9442 8686

24/7 Emergency Number:


Geographic Area of Service: Worldwide

Fast Engineering Ltd. is a specialist company based in the U.K. that has been providing FASTANK® emergency temporary storage tanks and bunds to the oil spill industry and emergency services worldwide for the past 40+ years. Started by its current Chairman – Seamus Connolly MBE the company has developed many innovative products for niche markets. Most recently a on Water Recovery System for recovery of bodies or casualties from water. Before that a Wildlife Rescue System was developed for recuperation of contaminated birds after an oil spill incident. From its manufacturing base in Antrim, Northern Ireland the company exports worldwide and has significant markets in Japan, North America, Europe, Middle East and Russia. R&D is a big part of the company ethos and they continually improve their products. Fast Engineering’s reputation for quality and customer service has been a mainstay in company development. The easy to navigate website shows the benefits and applications of the FASTANK® product range.

  • Manufacturer
  • Agent / Stockist
  • Portable recovered oil containment tanks

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