Suppliers and Services Directory

Company / Organisation Name: Lamor Corporation

Contact Name: Andrew Crawford


Contact Email Address: [email protected]

Contact Phone Number: 01983280185

24/7 Emergency Number:


Geographic Area of Service: Worldwide

  • Contingency planning
  • Response management
  • Environmental impact assessment
  • Spill site remediation (advisory)
  • Manufacturer
  • Hire availability
  • Agent / Stockist
  • Spill containment / diversion booms (offshore)
  • Spill containment booms (inland)
  • In-situ burning fire boom
  • Shoreline protection barriers
  • Trash collecting systems
  • Portable flood barriers
  • Skimmers and ancillary equipment
  • Pumps (oil/water transfer and hoses)
  • Pumps (high capacity cargo transfer systems)
  • Sorbent boom and other materials
  • Herding agent
  • Emulsion breaker
  • Solidifying agent
  • Bioremediation treatments
  • Oil spill dispersant
  • Oil spill dispersant spraying equipment
  • Oil deposit solubilizer (orange-sol, etc.)
  • Portable recovered oil containment tanks
  • Floating oil tanks/dracone barges
  • Oil spill response vessels, landing craft, etc.
  • Hot/cold pressure washers
  • Vacuum recovery systems
  • Explosimeters/gas detectors
  • Responder PPE and other safety equipment
  • Capability rating (Tier 1, 2, 3 spill response)
  • Accreditations held
  • Qualifications of response personnel – IMO Level 1, 2, 3.
  • Offshore oil spill response
  • Onshore oil spill response
  • Pipeline spill response
  • Cargo transfer operations
  • Sorbent boom and other materials
  • Bunker removal from wrecks
  • Air / satellite / drone observation
  • Oil spill dispersant application (from vessels / aerial /subsea)
  • In-situ burning
  • Shoreline clean-up assessment technique
  • Oiled wildlife rescue
  • Hazardous chemicals spill response
  • Response management support
  • Supervision of volunteers
  • Accreditations held (for example, ISAS, NI)
  • Scheduled spill response training courses
  • Online courses and Webinars
  • Bespoke courses at client’s premises
  • Oiled wildlife response training
  • Aerial observation training
  • Dispersant application technique
  • In-situ burning training
  • Hazardous chemical response training
  • Shoreline clean-up training
  • Application of net environmental benefit analysis

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