Suppliers and Services Directory

Company / Organisation Name: Alaska Chadux Network

Contact Name: Nicole Wilkinson


Contact Email Address: [email protected]

Contact Phone Number: (907) 348-2365

24/7 Emergency Number:

Address: 2347 Azurite Ct., AK
Anchorage, Alaska 99507
United States

Geographic Area of Service:

Alaska Chadux Network is an industry led and funded 501(c)(4) nonprofit oil spill response organization headquartered in Anchorage, Alaska.

We maintain 17 response ready equipment hubs throughout Southcentral and Western Alaska. We are ready to respond 24 hours a day.

Alaska Chadux Network’s extensive preparedness measures help its members across Alaska transport, transfer, and store petroleum products safely.

Our dedicated and highly trained staff, coupled with our extensive equipment inventory, provides unparalleled compliance and response services.

  • Capability rating – Tier 1 spill response
  • Capability rating – Tier 2 spill response
  • Capability rating – Tier 3 spill response
  • Offshore oil spill response
  • Onshore oil spill response
  • Pipeline spill response
  • Sorbent boom and other materials
  • Air / satellite / drone observation
  • Oil spill dispersant application – from vessels
  • Oil spill dispersant application – aerial
  • Oil spill dispersant application – subsea
  • In-situ burning
  • Shoreline clean-up assessment technique
  • Oiled wildlife rescue
  • Response management support

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